Following the successful launch of IABS-EU, the potential for organizing a North American affiliate was evaluated, and the IABS Executive Committee took the decision in 2015 to move ahead with the project under the leadership of John Petricciani.

IABS-NA is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 33-0840743. All donations are deemed tax-deductible


The primary objective of the IABS NORTH AMERICA (IABS-NA)  is to support the mission and projects of IABS and to enhance its image within North America.

IABS-NA will contribute to scientific and medical advancement of biologicals, by facilitating communication among those who develop, produce and regulate biological products for human and animal health. More specifically, it will focus on issues concerning the regulation and standardization of biological products that are intended for market use. 


IABS-NA organizational structure and  Constitution parallel that of IABS. 

The Board members are: 

  • BARNTHOUSE Kristopher (Jonson & Johnson Pharma), treasurer   

  • CARPICK Bruce  (Sanofi Pasteur),secretary

  • GAY Cyril (USDA)

  • HILL Richard  (Retired USDA)

  • SANYAL Gautam (Vaccine Analytics, LLC)

  • SCHOFIELD Tim (CMC Sciences, LLC)

  • SHEETS Rebecca (Grimalkin Partners), vice president

  • SMITH Dean (Health Canada), president

  • SUAREZ GUEMES Francisco (National University of Mexico


  • Organization of scientific events and publication of summaries of these events
  • Promotion of uniform methods for establishing quality biological products.
  • Encourage publication of articles from North America scientists in our journal, Biologicals


To support the mission of IABS-NA, you may become a member in registering to IABS

Note : During the COVID-19 Pandemic, activities of the NA Affiliate has been reduced due to commitments of IABS members to the research, production, and regulatory oversight of coronavirus vaccines.