Workshop on Diagnostics in the Veterinary Field:
The Role in Health Surveillance and Disease Identification

A workshop focusing on advantages / benefits and disadvantages and gaps of the current methods and methodologies

May 15-17,2019

Read the Meeting Report

Meeting objectives
Diagnostics are an essential tool to ensure the health of domestic and wild animals for both endemic and emerging diseases.  They allow animal health professionals to understand and manage the general health status of domestic animals. They are also important tools to support public health initiatives in the case of zoonotic disease control. The workshop will provide an overview of existing systems and approaches / strategies for the use of diagnostics and to discuss the currently available diagnostics. The advantages / benefits and disadvantages / gaps of the current methods and methodologies will be identified and discussed. Proposals on how to increase the quality, efficacy, and utility of the existing strategies and methods and those under development will be made.


Scientific Committee

Sandra Blome, Friedrich Löffler Institut
Attila Farsang, CEVA
Cyril Gay, USDA
Richard Hill, IABS
Carmen Jungbäck, IABS, Chair
Vaughn Kubiak, Zoetis
Serge Leterme, IDEXX
David Mackay, EMA
Paul Midtlyng, University of Oslo
Egbert Mundt, Boehringer-Ingelheim
Amir Noormohammadi, University of Melbourne
Suelee Robbe-Austerman, APHIS-USDA
Sjaak de Wit, Deventer