Next Generation
Sequencing Webinar

September 25-26, 2024
A virtual meeting

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Vaccination and Surveillance for HPAI in Poultry :
Current Situation and Perspectives

October 22-23, 2024
Paris, France

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IABS 10th Annual Statistics Workshop 

November 12-14, 2024
Washington DC, USA 

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Call for Abstract

Avoiding Antimicrobial Resistance: Veterinary use of Phages for Prevention, Therapy and Control of Bacterial Infections

November 19-20, 2024
A virtual meeting

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4th Conference on Next Generation Sequencing for Adventitious Virus Detection in Biologics for Humans and Animal

NGS Training Workshop
December 3, 2024
4th NGS Conference
December 4 & 5, 2024
Frankfurt, Germany

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Call for Abstract

Advances in Analytical Technologies for
Biopharmaceutical Products

March 19-21, 2025
Rockville, MD, USA 



Save the date

High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (HPAI) in poultry, wild birds and wildlife mammals is a global challenge. The spread of the H5Nx lineage of HPAI is now threatening to become truly global…

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IABS Retrospective 2023

On behalf of all IABS, we would like to thank you again for your contribution in 2023 and wish you a Happy New Year 2024 !


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President's Column April 2024

Dear IABS Colleagues, Stakeholders, Supporters and Collaborators,
2024, IABS is prepared for an eventful year, driven by the dedication or our volunteers who have confirmed…

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Inno4Vac – Innovations to accelerate vaccine development and manufacture

Inno4Vac is a public-private partnership that addresses scientific bottlenecks in vaccine development.

It proposes to develop predictive biological and mathematical models of vaccine performance and bio-manufacturing.

The IABS European Affiliate (IABS-EU) is part of consortia and has been selected to drive the regulatory part of the project.

ASFaVIP – African swine fever attenuated live
vaccines in pigs


Paul Henri Lambert

Professor at University of Geneva
Founder of ADVAC

 “I have appreciated the achievements of IABS since many years. It is a unique independent organization that can…

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John Petricciani

Past President
Advisor to the Board

“ Cell substrates have been a key element in the evolution of biological products since the…

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Kathryn Zoon

NIH Scientist Emeritus
Past NIAID Scientific Director

As a long term US regulator and scientist, I have been working with IABS for many years. The IABS has …

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Philippe Duclos

Director ADVAC
University of Geneva

“ A vibrant organization that allows dialogue beyond professional boundaries…

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