TESTIMONIALKathryn Zoon NIH Scientist Emeritus Past NIAID Scientific Director 2005-2015 Past FDA CBER Director 1992-2002 Past WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization 1997-2016...

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TESTIMONIALTimothy Schofield Chair comitéPublicationI’m proud to be part of an organization that puts global public health first.  An honor for me to work with such dedicated people.

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TESTIMONIALPhilippe Duclos Director ADVACUniversity of GenevaA vibrant organization that allows dialogue beyond professional boundaries.  The true application of One Health !

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TESTIMONIALJohn Petricciani Past PresidentAdvisor to the BoardCell substrates have been a key element in the evolution of biological products since the earliest days of vaccine development. The...

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Message from the President 2021

Dear Colleagues, I hope this message finds you safe and well as we start a New Year - 2021. While 2020 was an unforgettable year from a global public health perspective, it was a very memorable and...

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