Towards Rabies Elimination in Asia-Pacific – From Theory to Practice
September 25-26, 2019

Meeting objectives
The meeting aims at snowballing efforts and achieving substantial progress in rabies control in the Asia-Pacific region of the world in the near future. As the key focus is placed on canine rabies the meeting will be an important contribution to the initiative of the United Against Rabies collaboration of the World Health Organization (WHO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) of ending human dog-mediated rabies by 2030. Recognized international and local experts will give insights into state-of-the art intersectoral One Health approaches, standards, available tools and guidelines developed by international organizations and institutions and best-practice examples from the region on how to prevent human rabies by eliminating rabies at its animal source. As such the meeting provides a platform for health and veterinary services, managers of national and local rabies eliminations programs, researchers and other people interested in advancing knowledge of rabies surveillance, prevention and control, to meet each other, to share their experience and also to discuss challenges to overcome. The meeting is considered to be a starting point for a continuous professional exchange on the way to a rabies free Asia-Pacific.
Scientific Committee :
Dr Charung Muangchana Director, National Veterinary Institute, Thailand
Dr Karoon Chanachai, Department of Livestock Development (DLD), Thailand
Dr Thomas Müller, Chair Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany
Dr Conrad Freuling, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Germany
Dr Bernadette Abela-Ridder, World Healandh Organization
Dr Ivana Knezevic, World Health Organization
Dr Gregorio Torres, World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
Dr Katinka de Balogh, Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO)
Dr Carmen Jungbäck, International Alliance for Biological Standardization (IABS)
Dr Gowri Yale, Mission Rabies
Prof. Louis Nel,Global Alliance for Rabies Control
Dr Ryan Wallace, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
>> More information about the meeting